Smith & Wesson Governor Review: Reader's Comments

To see the full review of the Smith & Wesson Governor Revolver, please visit the Gunsumer Reports website by going to this link.


  1. What are your thoughts on the grip (other than comfortable) and recoil for the S&W? I've shot the Judge 3" Magnum and after 5 rounds my wrist and arm were uncomfortably sore from the recoil. Regarding the grip, would you consider it comfortable for either medium or large hands? Hated the ribbed grip on the Judge and the S&W grips appear to be a considerable improvement. Great writeup!

  2. Since the Governor can only handle 2.5" shells, the recoil is very manageable. I had my daughter shot some of everything I took to the range, which included the buckshot. Her opinion was that the recoil was not bad. I would say my hands are more on the large size and I feel the grip was/is very comfortable. I can also see where the grip would be comfortable for a medium hand based on how my finger wrapped around the grip and where my trigger finger naturally rested on the trigger. Thanks!

  3. I usually fire my Glocks for a fun time at the range but I also LOVE my Governor!!! It fires well and is accurate and easy to handle. It's a great home defense weapon (my primary use) as well as a great trail gun.

  4. Nice review,very complete.

  5. Do you guys know if it's possible to add Crimson Trace Laser later to my Governor?

    1. Yes, I just received my Governor and ordered it with the Crimson Trace laser grip. You should be able to order the Crimson Grip and install it on your Governor.
      I would not want a Governor without the Crimson Trace Laser Grip.

    2. What do you guys think of the recoil with the Crimson Trace on there? I saw another reviewer say it was a bit tough, and I am wondering whether I am better off with the laser and more recoil vs the regular grips that will be softer. It is a big round. I am not so worried about comfort as I am ability to make quick follow-up shots in a HD situation (this isn't a range gun except for practice purposes).

    3. I have mine with the crimson laser grip and took it to the range this past week end and my wife and daughter both shot it and had no problem at all.

  6. S&W sells their Crimson Trace grips at the S&W Store. They don't list grips specifically for the Governor (Z-Frame), but they do have ones to fit a N-Frame. I believe the Z-Frame is basically a stretch N-Frame. I suggest calling S&W to confirm. Let us know what you find out. Thanks.

  7. I just purchased my Govener for a trail, and home defence gun. Will it handle the more powerfull Plus P loads designed for the Rugar Blackhawk?

  8. Since the Governor doesn't state on the barrel or owner's manual that is +P capable, I would not shoot the more powerful loads without contacting S&W and getting their input. Most likely they will say it is not designed for those +P loads.

  9. I just got one a few days ago. Havnt shot it yet, but I did load ammo (all three types) tonight. I was able to load .410 2xOOO buck into new primed Cheddite hulls with little more than a roll crimp tool and a cordless drill. I will make something up for repriming them out of a couple wooden dowels and a C-clamp.

    Anyway, mine has grips that are different than yours. They are NOT the crimson trace grips, I got the regular version, but the grips on mine (they have S&W molded into them) are full wraparound... no exposed grip frame metal on the back. I also got, but have not tried, a pachmayr decelerator grip. I will try them both an report back, but I thought it was worth noting that they changed the grip sometime in the last year to reduce pain.

    A Question... you posted a link to the Bianchi UM84R, but did not tell what model you had. Can you post the full Bianch part number ?

    I have a DEsanti holster for it, but the snap is scratching the cylinder up and it also hangs up on the recoil shield, making for a difficult draw. I am sending it back to see if they can do anything about that, cuz I can not use it as is.


  10. Thanks for the feedback. The holster Bianchi part number is 14871 and I originally got it for my Ruger GP100 4" barrel. I have the same issue with the DeSantis holster marking the cylinder, but fortunately the marks rub off easily (so far). Otherwise, I'm still pleased with my DeSantis.

  11. I got to try out my buckshot loads that I loaded myself... as well as 45 colt and 45 acp loads. The 45 acp and 45 Colt lods hit point of aim. The buckshot (2 x 000 and also 3 x 000) all hit a couple inches low at 21 feet. I need to do a bit more work on the buckshot loads to see how well they work. I just bought a chronograph even to see what they are really doing, as just about all published load data is done thru a full length shotgun pressure barrel and is meaningless data in a Governor.

    I ordered the Bianchi holster you mentioned... waiting for it to arrive. I also got a Wilderness Tactical holster... just got it... havn't really played with it yet.

    The Desantis holster is back at Desantis. I am not sure what they are going to do about it, but unless they fix the snap I wont use it so I am in no rush. I will update that situation when there is something to mention.

    I also put on a Pachmyer Decelerator grip a couple days ago but I haven't tried it yet. I will mess with things this weekend and post my results.

    BTW, these make loading and unloading the moon clips almost fun :
    Just make sure to get the correct arbor for the Governor clips (.575). They can be purchased at as well (easier to order from them)


    1. please post your chronograph results when you have them.

  12. I got the Bianchi holster you recommended today. With the Pachmyer grips the fit is a bit tight. With the stock grips, especially the ones on your earlier model I am sure fit nicer. I sprayed the inside with teflon spray and put the gun in there for a while. I am sure it will loosen and fit better in dues time.

    Speed loaders:

    5 star speed loaders... I got one each in 45 colt and 410. They are $25 bucks a piece. Yes they work, they are pretty too. However...

    I found it very difficult to "speed load" 410. The shells, at least the ones I am using, fit too tight to speedload. They each go in by themselves fairly easily, but 6 of them slide in too hard. It just didnt work for me. For me, it is a one at a time loading process. Maybe your choice of 410 ammo will work better.

    For 45 colt they worked fine. However....
    If you are used to the HKS loaaders (I can reload with an HKS in under 3 seconds) they will annoy you. The rotation of the know is backwards from the HKS loaders. I think they could change the rotation direction by just drilling the hole for the retention pin in a different place. I need to send the dude an email.

    Anyway, I got some HKS 25-5 speedloaders. They fit and work perfectly in the Governor in 45 colt, and cost way less.

    I got an email from Desantis yesterday. They got my returned holster, and are sending both the holster and also my stack of emails, which include a way to fix the dragging snap issue (involves a third piece of leather in the snap area as well as countersinking the snap so it does not protrude so far. I dont know what will happen. The sketch I sent them woudl benefit their entire S&W line, as S&W recoil shields are too blunt and are asking for trouble (unlike a Ruger). I do leatherwork myself, and if they cant fix their holster I am going to make one myself from scratch (lots of work... I'm not a crank them out factory). The recommendations that I sent them are what I would do if I was going to make one from scratch. Anyway, I know that even if they made this their number one priority (drop everything and deal with MY problem), it would take at least a week to make a holster, so I expect this to take a few weeks if they take me seriously at all.

    Picked up some iron pipe todayu at the hardware store down the street with the cute college girls working at it. Going to make a stand (using an F350 brake rotor as a base) to hold my new chronograph. I want to chrono some 410 buckshot loads tomorrow if I can get it all together. I have some load data from BPI that hasn't been published anywhere, so it is sort of proprietary as far as I know. I wont be publishing the data (although I can publish the results). I can post pictures of my hi-tech reloading setup for .410 however. The roll crimp tool cost me $26 bucks. the rest of the tools cost about a buck. I am using a LEE OOO buckshot mold to make buckshot. With new hulls I figure it costs me about $0.20 cents apiece to load these things. I am pretty sure the hulls can be reused at least once, bringing the cost down to $0.15 cents per round. Way beats 50 cents to a buck a round for commercial stuff. Even if you don't reload metallic or shotgun, you can load these things for not much expenditure of money.


  13. Rick, unfortunatly I didn't get any velocity data during my initial range test. I have realized I need to make a better effort to provide that data in the future.

  14. in God we trust... all others bring data ;-)


  15. That is a good one. I'm a mechanical engineer and plan on using it the future. Thanks!

  16. I did some .410 load testing today. I want to repeat it on another day before I say what happened.


    After I was done it occurred to me that with the "Decelerator" grips it was very fun to shoot. The factory grips made me hurt a bit. Check that one off as a "success". If you get them, they might feel "funny" at first. Give them a try... you will get over the "funny" part quickly.


    1. I have a question. I shot some Remmington #4 shot in my governor and it jammed the weapon up. Has anyone else had this problem ?

  17. Rick, I just got a new S&W .44 Mag Hunter and I may have to try out the Decelerator® Grips. Thanks for the tip. Hope your loads work out.

  18. Desantis says my holster was not made right and they are sending me another one.

    I'll of course report back when it arrives.


  19. I got an email from the 5 star speed loader guy.

    He thinks that his loaders turning to the left instead of the right like HKS turn is better. He has a right to his opinion. Everyone has a right to their opinion.

    Personally... No way I am going to use loaders that turn in a direction that is different than what I have been doing for the last 25 years.

    I don't adjust to change well.


  20. I got a replacement Desantis holster in the mail today. I had sent it back along with a sketch of what they should do to fix it. They responded that it was made wrong and they sent me a replacement that pretty much had the changes that were in my sketch.

    However, I looked at the one that was reviewed here and it looks like it was made with the same things done to it that were in my sketch.... meaning that they already knew how to make ti right but someone screwed up.

    So, if you get one that has the female snap not countersunk into the inner layer of leather, it is made wrong. I suspect that there is a steel reinforcement in the thumbreak as well that may have been missing on the one that I sent back too.

    I stuck my Governor in and pulled it out a few times. The snap might sort of tap the recoil plate just a bit but there was no evidence of rubbing like what was happening on the one that I sent back.

    So, Desantis stood behind their work, and all I was out was $6 bucks in postage and a bit of aggravation. At least it doesn't need to go into the pile of useless holsters that I have acquired over the years.

    While waiting for this thing to get fixed, I acquired a "Wilderness Tactical" holster as well. I haven't played with it for more than a few minutes, but when I do I will mention my results.

    I was reloading some 410 shotgun hulls last night with my improvised reloading setup made out of wooden dowels. My "deprimer" (a wooden dowel with a stainless rod sticking out of it) broke. It had maybe 50 rounds under it's belt. I picked up some stuff at the hardware store to improve upon it. It might be a couple days before I get a change to try it out though.


  21. Rick, thanks for taking the time to post about the holster. That is some good information.

  22. the only reason i bought my govenor. is i am a bad shot. i got the lazer grips. i have one of those semi-auto kimber 45. it is a great gun, but as the operator i cant hit the broad side of a barn. my neighbors house got broke into last month. so i got this gun so i can protect myselfand family, i loaded the first shot with pdx1 then the other 5 with the 000 buck. i hope i never have to pull it. if i do however ,,i think i have a 50/50 chance. thanks smith and wesson bill k

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  25. Just a couple quick questions. How old is your daughter? Preteen, teenager or young adult? Is she small frame or what? The reason I ask is I have a daughter who is 23yrs old and very small frame girl. I on the other hand am 5'10, 280lbs. I am looking to get my little girl a handgun for HD as well as buying this (Governor) for myself. How does your daughter like this handgun compared to a semi auto of any size?

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